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Latin America Blog

In 2017 I headed out to Central America for a little over 3 weeks, spending most of that time in Guatemala. I can tell you with confidence it is an absolute must see. Here are four reasons why:

A hotel-based stay is an increasingly popular option for Galapagos trips, thanks to its affordability and comfort. The islands are explored on a series of day trips and here Jordan discovers the island of North Seymour.

Llama Travel director, Luca Newbold, hadn’t visited Rio in 18 years, but when he did finally go back, he discovered a city more lively and inviting than ever. This is his account of his recent trip to Brazil’s most iconic city.

On visiting Machu Picchu, some people are content to wander amongst the ruins, while others are keen to get a different perspective on them. Climbing Huayna Picchu, the sugarloaf mountain which rises above the ruins, is a favoured challenge when it comes to seeking out an elevated vantage point. Becky, our Australia sales manager did the climb on a backpacking trip a few years ago, and here she reminisces on the experience.

The main area of Machu Picchu is quite compact and a three-hour tour of the site allows plenty of time to explore this. However, Machu Picchu is much more than just the main ruins, and there are several other visits that can be made in the area. My favourite of all of these is the climb up Machu Picchu Mountain. This is hard work, but immensely rewarding, with the best views in the area.

“Food is a central activity of mankind and one of the single most significant trademarks of a culture.” - Mark Kurlansky

Hacienda Zuleta is a stunning and luxurious farmstay in the Ecuadorian paramo of the Imbabura province, outside Quito. It is a very special destination, as Catherine, our marketing executive discovered recently.

Latin America captivates travellers for many reasons, one of which being its many natural wonders. Here we showcase the natural beauty to be found in every corner of the region. From the striking peaks of Torres del Paine in Chile, to the serene and photogenic Lake Attitlan in Guatemala, stunning natural features abound. Scroll down to see our top 10 Natural Wonders in Latin America, in no particular order. 

Over here at the Llama Travel offices, we often use the term “flexible group tours”, although what does this actually mean for you? Well it means that you get to pick and choose the places you want to visit, without being limited by a rigid itinerary. Unlike a traditional tailor-made holiday though, you pay group tour prices.

How does that work?

I’ve been fortunate enough to travel to many countries throughout the world, but none have left such a lasting impression as Colombia. The main reason being that Colombian people are just about the friendliest in the world. From walking you the whole way to your destination when you ask for directions to patiently listening to and correcting my pretty terrible Spanish, the generosity and kindness of the Colombian people will stay with me forever.