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Punta Arenas

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Punta Arenas is located in the south of Chile and is the capital of Chile's Magallanes y Antártica Region. Punta Arenas was originally established by the Chilean government in 1848 as a penal colony.

During the remainder of the 1800s, Punta Arenas grew in size and importance due to increasing maritime traffic, and experienced waves of immigration in the gold rush and sheep farming booms of the 1880s and early 1900s. Today, Punta Arenas is a bustling shipping port best known for its beautiful setting on the Brunswick Peninsula and also for its unpredictable weather (it’s not unusual to get a hail storm in high summer). Easy connections to Tierra del Fuego and Torres del Paine, as well comfortable accommodation and lots of convenience stores, also make Punta Arenas a great stop-over destination for those exploring the region.